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Reports, numbered

Here you can find all our reports that are part of the Silvermuseet report series.
Reports, unnumbered Scientific publications

Archaeological research investigations of hearths 2022, Sorsele parish, Västerbotten County. 2023 Bergman, Ingela.Silvermuseet, report 77.

Commissioned archaeological investigations of hearths - a basis for an action program. 2022. Bergman, Ingela.Silvermuseet, report 76.

Report on the restoration of remains linked to the tradition of a sacrificial site on Stora Nattberget, Jijjavárrie/Ijjavárre Älvsbyn Municipality, Norrbotten County 2020.Bergman, Ingela.Silvermuseet, report 75.

Archaeological investigations of three medieval farm sites in the northern Västerbotten coastal region, 2014-2015, a summary. 2017. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 74.

Archaeological investigation of activity area below rock painting at Gaskávrre, Arjeplogs sn and municipality, Lapland, Norrbotten, 2016. 2016. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 73.

Investigations of 32 hearths in the coastal region of Västerbotten and Norrbotten, 2012-2013, a summary. 2016. Liedgren, Liedgren.Silvermuseet, report 72b.

Report on archaeological excavation, ancient site Raä 1138:1, Piteå parish, Norrbotten. 2015. Bergman, Ingela.Silvermuseet, report 72a.

Report on archaeological excavation, ancient site Raä 5:1, Jörn parish, Västerbotten. 2015. Bergman, Ingela. Silvermuseet/Insarc, report 71.

Archaeological partial investigation of a late medieval farmstead, Raä 343, Skellefteå sn, Skellefteå municipality, Västerbotten county, 2015. 2015. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 70.

Archaeological partial investigation of a late medieval farmstead, Raä 508, Lövånger sn, Skellefteå municipality, Västerbotten county 2014. 2014. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 69.

Archaeological partial investigation of a late medieval farmstead, Raä 621, Lövånger parish, Skellefteå municipality, Västerbotten county, 2014. 2014. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 68.

Archaeological partial investigation of a late medieval farmstead, Raä 343, Skellefteå sn, Skellefteå municipality, Västerbotten county, 2014. 2014. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 67.

Archaeological investigation of settlement traces at Sangishögen, Raä 81.1 in Nederkalix parish, Kalix municipality, Norrbotten county, 2013-2014. 2014. Ramqvist, P.-H. Silvermuseet, report 66.

Archaeological investigations of 13 hearths in Piteå, Hortlax and Älvsby parishes, Piteå and Älvsby municipalities, Norrbotten County, 2013. 2013. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 65.

Archaeological investigations of six hearths in Jörn and Byske parishes, Skellefteå municipality, Västerbotten, 2013. 2013. Liedgren, Liedgren.Silvermuseet, report 64.

Archaeological investigation of Raä 413:1, trapping pit, Älvsby sn, Norrbottens län, 2012. 2012. Liedgren, Liedgren. Silvermuseet, report 63.

Archaeological investigations of nine hearths in Piteå, Hortlax and Älvsby parishes, Norrbotten County 2012. 2012. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 62.

Archaeological investigations of four hearths in Byske sn, Skellefteå municipality, Västerbotten, 2012. 2012. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 61.

Archaeological investigation of a hut site within the old church and market place, Raä 2691, Arjeplog parish and municipality, Lapland, Norrbotten County, 2011.Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 60.

Archaeological investigation, Colmis test track, Sväggejaur 1:1 Arjeplog parish and municipality, Lapland, Norrbotten County 2011. 2011. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 59.

Partial investigation of house foundations within the old church and market place, Raä 2691, Arjeplog parish and municipality, Lapland, Norrbotten County, 2010.Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 58.

Report on sampling, ancient site Raä 1138, Piteå parish, Norrbotten, 2008. 2008. Bergman, Ingela.Silvermuseet, report 57.

Inspection of a cold-walled stone structure, Säjddevárre, Arjeplog parish and municipality, Lapland, 2008.Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 56.

Inventory of ancient monuments in Arjeplog parish and municipality, Lapland, Norrbotten County, 2008.Liedgren, Lars. Silvermuseet, report 55.

Reindeer pastures and remote sensing. Study of vegetation anomalies on reindeer pastures and hides in the mountains based on IRF satellite images, in selected areas in Västerbotten and Norrbotten counties, 2007. 2007. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 54.

Cultural landscape in the mountains. Archaeological investigations and inventories at Jurunvágge, Vilstugan, Buojddávárátj and Tjatsvagge, Arjeplog parish and municipality, 2007. 2007. Liedgren, Lars. Silvermuseet, report 53.

Archaeological inventory of dam zones within the watercourses Riebnisjaure and Gruombajaure, Arjeplog parish and municipality, Lapland, 2007. 2007. Liedgren, Lars. Silvermuseet, report 52.

Antiquarian inspections of renovations in Arjeplog and Arvidsjaur municipalities, 2005, Vuorekkåtan, Udden, Suobdek and N. Holmnäs. 2005. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 51.

Archaeological excavations of an octagonal hut at Bläckajaur, Arjeplog municipality and parish, 2006. 2006. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 50.

Cultural landscape in the mountains. Archaeological inventories and investigations in Jurun, Njallajaur-Lomtjärnsstugan and Talput, Arjeplog parish and municipality, 2006. 2007. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 49.

Antiquities and erosion - a study of the Skellefte River hydropower development and its impact on the lakes Hornavan, Uddjaur, and Storavan, Skellefte River catchment area. 2007. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 48.

Cultural landscape in the mountains. Archaeological inventories and investigations in Mavas, Jurun and Adamvalta, Arjeplog parish and municipality, 2005. 2005. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 47.

Antiquarian control of building conservation in Arjeplog, 2003-2004, the sanctuary Suobdek, the mountain apartment Udden and the mountain apartment Yttervik. 2005. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 46.

Archaeological preliminary investigation within the old church and market place in Arjeplog, Lapland, 2004. 2004. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 45.

Archaeological investigation of building remains, Långsjön, Ståkke sameby, Arjeplog, Lapland, 2004. 2005. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 44.

Evaluation of the inventory of ancient monuments, 1984-2002 and the project Forest and History, 2000-2004, in Norrbotten - with examples of applications of the digital register and future directions. 2005. Liedgren, L. & Hedman, S.-D.Silvermuseet, report 43.

Archaeological investigation, Pipudden, Arjeplog municipality, Lapland 2003. 2004. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 42.

Archaeological investigation in connection with sand/gravel extraction, Framnäs 1:9, Arvidsjaur parish and municipality, Lapland, 2003. 2004. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 41.

Archaeological investigation within the car test area in Kålmis, Arjeplog municipality 2002-2003. 2004. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 40.

Archaeological investigation of an Early Iron Age rock formation, Raä 1944, Uddjaur, Arjeplog, Lapland, 2003. 2004. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 39.

Archaeological investigations at Dumpokjauratj, Raä 1568, Arjeplogs sn, Lapland 2002. 2005. Bergman, Ingela. Man, fire and landscape. Silvermuseet, report 38.

Excavations of hearths and stalotomts in the Adamvalta area, Arjeplog, Lapland 2003. 2004. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 37.

Antikvariska kontroller och upprustningar inom Arjeplogs och Arvidsjaurs kommuner, Lappland 1997-2002. 2003. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 36.

Excavations of stalotomts in the Adamvalta area, Arjeplog, Lapland, 2002. 2003. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 35.

Archaeological investigations at Dumpokjauratj and Gublijaure, Arjeplogs sn, Lapland, 2001. 2004. Bergman, Ingela. Man, fire and landscape. Silvermuseet, report 34.

Documentation and restoration of two peat huts, a njalla and a palisade fence, Varekietje, Semisjaur-Njarg sameby, Arjeplog municipality, Lapland, 1998-2001. 2003. Liedgren, Lars.The Silvermuseet, report 33.

Building archaeological documentation of two njallas within Ståkke sameby, Arjeplog municipality, Lapland, 2001. 2002. Liedgren, Lars. Silvermuseet, report 32.

Excavations of hearths and stalotomts in the Adamvalta area, Arjeplog, Lapland 2001. 2002. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 31.

Archaeological investigation of damaged ancient remains, Kolmis, Dellaure 2:1, Arjeplogs sn and investigation of ancient remains in connection with a car test track. 2002. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 30.

Archaeological investigation in connection with a planned wind farm at Uljabuoda, properties 1:1, Arjeplog municipality, 2001. 2001. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 29.

Man, fire and landscape. Archaeological investigations of Mesolithic settlements in the municipality of Arjeplos, Norrbotten County 2000. 2001. Bergman, Ingela. Silvermuseet, report 28.

Antiquarian control of restoration work in Geijaur, Tjakkek and Balgesnjunnje within the municipalities of Arjeplog and Arvidsjaur, 2000. 2001. Liedgren, Lars.The Silvermuseet, report 27.

Documentation and restoration of a narad brädnjalla from Ringselet, Semisjaur-Njarg sameby, Arjeplog, Lapland, 1999-2001. 2001. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 26.

Documentation and restoration of peat hut and njalla, Tjäksa, Svaipa sameby, Arjeplog, Lapland, 1999-2000. 2001. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 25.

Man, fire and landscape. Report on archaeological investigations 1999. 2001. Bergman, Ingela.Silvermuseet, report 24.

Report on documentation and restoration of Sami buildings in Mavas, Luokta-Mavas Sami village, Arjeplog, Lapland, 1998-1999. 2000. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 23.

Documentation and restoration of timbered njalla and timbered hut Skålka, Ståkke sameby, Arjeplog, Lapland. 1999. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 22.

Building archaeological investigations of some ridge huts in Arjeplog, Lapland, 1997-1998. 1999. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet report 21.

Report on archaeological preliminary investigation of threatened ancient remains at the watercourses Rappen, Labbas and Rappenströmmarna, Arjeplog municipality, Lapland, 1998. 1999. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 20.

Settlements and land uplift. A feasibility study for the research project "Man, fire and landscape", 1997. 1999. Bergman, Ingela.Silvermuseet, report 19.

Archaeological investigations of a stone deposit and partial investigation of a settlement wall and settlement surfaces, Raä nr 315, Nedre Vojakkala, Nedertorneå sn, Norrbottens län, 1996-1997. 1998. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 18.

Archaeological preliminary investigation at the watercourses Rappen, Labbas, Arjeplogs sn, Lapland, 1997. 1998. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 17.

Archaeological investigations in the community of Arjeplog, Lapland, 1997. 1998. Fossum, B.Silvermuseet, report 16.

Report on the inventory of ancient monuments on road 519, the stretch from the county border to Abborrträsk, Arvidsjaur parish, 1997. 1998. Hedman, S.-D.Silvermuseet, report 15.

Report on ancient monument inventory and cultural history investigations at Delliknäs, Arjeplogs sn, Lapland 1997. 1998. Hedman, S.-D.Silvermuseet, report 14.

Archaeological investigations in the parishes of Arjeplog and Arvidsjaur, Lapland, 1995-1997.Osteological analysis of skeletal material from Råmsjakudden, Sakkavare, Arjeplog parish, 1996. 1997. Wallander, Helen. Silvermuseet, report 13:25, 26.
Archaeological investigations in the parishes of Arjeplog and Arvidsjaur, Lapland, 1995-1997. Archaeological survey of a site for skeletal remains, Sakkavare, Arjeplog parish, 1996. 1997. Liedgren, Lars. Silvermuseet, report 13:21-23.
Archaeological investigations in the parishes of Arjeplog and Arvidsjaur, Lapland, 1995-1997. Archaeological investigation of hearth no. 10, at the site Na 764, Arvidsjaurs parish, Norrbottens län 1995. 1997. Hedman, S-D. Silvermuseet, report 13:17, 18.
Archaeological investigations in the parishes of Arjeplog and Arvidsjaur, Lapland, 1995-1997. Archaeological investigation of a skeleton grave, Råmsjakudden, Uddjaure, Arjeplog parish 1995. 1997. Bergman, Ingela. Silvermuseet, report 13:10-15.
Archaeological investigations in the parishes of Arjeplog and Arvidsjaur, Lapland, 1995-1997. Archaeological investigation of Raä 1420, Lövnäs, Arjeplog parish, 1996. Partial investigation of a Stone Age settlement. 1997. Liedgren, Lars. Silvermuseet, report 13:1-9.
Silvermuseet, report 13.

Archaeological investigations at Ansvar, Överkalix parish, Norrbotten county, 1996. Archaeological partial investigation and restoration of Raä 393:1, stone deposit with red ochre and continued partial investigation of Raä 393:2, settlement deposit. 1997. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 12.

Archaeological investigations at Ansvar, Överkalix parish, Norrbotten county, 1995. Archaeological partial investigation of Raä 393:1, stone deposit with red ochre, Raä 393:2, settlement deposit and Raä 977:3 settlement mound. 1997. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 11.

Report on cultural-historical inventories of the shore area at Rappen, Labbas and Rappenströmmarna, Arjeplog sn, Lapland, 1995. 1996. Liedgren, Lars. Silvermuseet, report 10.

Archaeological investigation at Pajeb Muitunisjaure, Arjeplog sn, Lapland. 1997. Bergman, I., Avebro, K. & Knutsson, K.Silvermuseet, report 9.

Archaeological investigations at the Arctic Circle, Stuorsavon, Arjeplog sn, Lapland, 1994. Archaeological investigations in the parishes of Arjeplog and Arvidsjaur, Lapland, 1995-1996. 1995. Bergman, Ingela. Silvermuseet, report 8:32-46.
Archaeological excavation of trapping pits in Jutis, Raä 1011, Arjeplog sn, Lapland. Archaeological investigations in the parishes of Arjeplog and Arvidsjaur, Lapland, 1995-1996. 1995. Liedgren, Lars. Silvermuseet, report 8:18-31.
Archaeological investigations at Dumpokjauratj, Arjeplog sn, Lapland, 1994. Archaeological investigations in the parishes of Arjeplog and Arvidsjaur, Lapland, 1995-1996. 1995. Liedgren, Lars. Silvermuseet, report 8:2-16.
Silvermuseet, report 8.

Report on the final investigation within the old church and market place, Raä nr 471, Arvidsjaur parish, Norrbotten county, Lapland 1993. 1995. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 7, part 1-2(appendix).

Archaeological investigation of two hearths at Margatjärnen, Arvidsjaur Parish, Lapland, 1992. 1993. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 6.

Reports on cultural-historical investigations at Gubblijaure, Stora Mattaure and Padje-Måskejaure, Arjeplog parish, Lapland. 1993. Bergman, Ingela.Silvermuseet, report 5.

Report on archaeological preliminary investigation of the old church and market place, Raä 471, Arvidsjaur parish, Lapland, 1992. 1993. Liedgren, Lars.Silvermuseet, report 4.

Report on test excavations at Hornavan and Kakel, Arjeplog parish, Lapland, 1983. 1993. Bergman, Ingela. Silvermuseet, rapport 3 - Archaeological inventories and investigations of prehistoric sites and settlements at Hornavan and Kakel, Arjeplog parish, Lapland, 1983:23-43.
Report on the inventory of previously registered and newly registered sites at Hornavan and Kakel, 1983. 1993. Bergman, Ingela. Silvermuseet, rapport 3 - Archaeological inventories and investigations of prehistoric sites and settlements at Hornavan and Kakel, Arjeplog parish, Lapland, 1983:1-21.
Silvermuseet, report 3.

Report on the documentation of a burial site at Suddumsuoloj, Arjeplog parish, Lapland, 1990. 1993. Bergman, Ingela. Silvermuseet, rapport 2 - Reports on cultural-historical investigations in Arjeplog parish, Lapland, 1989-1991:43-46.
Report on archaeological excavation of a storage pit at Kuoleyisjaure, Arjeplog parish, Lapland, 1990. 1993. Bergman, Ingela. Silvermuseet, rapport 2 - Reports on cultural-historical investigations in Arjeplog parish, Lapland, 1989-1991:37-41.
Report on an archaeological excavation of a hearth at Stora Mattaure, Arjeplog parish, Lapland, 1988. 1993. Bergman, Ingela. Silvermuseet, rapport 2 - Reports on cultural-historical investigations in Arjeplog parish, Lapland, 1989-1991:31-36.
Report on an archaeological investigation of a pit at Rackträsk, Raä nr 402, Arjeplog parish, Lapland 1989. 1993. Liedgren, Lars. Silvermuseet, rapport 2 - Reports on cultural-historical investigations in Arjeplog parish, Lapland, 1989-1991:19-30.
Inventories of Galtisgutj and the Åsen area, Arjeplog parish, Lapland, 1989. 1993. Liedgren, Lars. Silvermuseet, rapport 2 - Reports on cultural-historical investigations in Arjeplog parish, Lapland, 1989-1991:1-17.
Silvermuseet, report 2.

Antikvariska besiktningar 1988. 1988. Liedgren, Lars. Silvermuseet, rapport 1 - Rapporter över kulturhistoriska undersökningar inom Arjeplog socken, 1988:111-116.
Excavations of ancient remains at Åsen, Arjeplog parish, Lapland. 1988. Liedgren, Lars. Silvermuseet, rapport 1 - Rapporter över kulturhistoriska undersökningar inom Arjeplog socken, 1988:91-109.
Excavations of ancient remains at Gullesvuoppe, Arjeplog sn, Lapland. 1988. Liedgren, Lars. Silvermuseet, rapport 1 - Rapporter över kulturhistoriska undersökningar inom Arjeplog socken, 1988:59-90.
Report on archaeological inventories at Gullesvuoppe, Kakel, Arjeplog sn. 1988. Hedman, S.D.. Silvermuseet, rapport 1 - Reports on cultural-historical investigations in Arjeplog parish, 1988:43-58.
Report on cultural-historical inventories of Sami remains at Låddaure, Arjeplog parish, Lapland. 1988. Bergman, Ingela. Silvermuseet, rapport 1 - Rapporter över kulturhistoriska undersökningar inom Arjeplog socken, 1988:17-42.
Report on cultural-historical inventories and excavations at Rackträsk, Arjeplog parish, Lapland. 1988. Bergman, Ingela. Silvermuseet, rapport 1 - Reports on cultural-historical investigations in Arjeplog parish, 1988:1-16.
Silvermuseet, report 1.