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Latest news from Rádestit

Here you can find news and other information related to the project.

The project now presents a proposal for a model for local management of small game and fish above the cultivation boundary in Arjeplog municipality.

From June to September, the steering group wants to inform, get feedback and hear others' thoughts on the approach. The project is extended for the rest of the year. Rádestit means "to consult" in Pite Sami. The project has organized meetings to present the proposal. Please get in touch if you would like more information or to book a meeting.

Here you can read the revised vision, values and overall guidelines which form the basis of the model proposal.

Brief and schematic of the model proposal
Information leaflet on the model proposal
Model governance documents: Draft statutes, draft articles of association, draft owner directives.

Questions and comments are welcome and can be submitted to project manager Ingela Edholm Forsberg, ingela.forsberg@silvermuseet.se or 073 - 091 73 24.

Would your Sami community, association or company like to have its own drawing and discussion of the proposal? Contact us and we will book a time!

In the media:
Arjeplognytt 2023.06.08
Oddasat 2023.06.08
P4 Norrbotten 2023.06.13
PT (behind paywall) 2023.06.20
SVT Sápmi 2023.06.20