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Popular science works

Here you will find an overview of our popular science work.
Scientific publications Reports, numbered

Norrland before the Swedish colonization. 2018. Bergman, Ingela & Ramqvist, Per H. Popular Archaeology 2018 (5), 18-21.

Early cultivation in the reindeer husbandry landscape. 2015. Bergman, I. & Hörnberg, G. Popular Archaeology 2/2015: 10-11.

The Landscape of Memories. Sami history beyond the written word. 2015. Bergman, Ingela. In Andersson, K. (ed) Sápmi in words and pictures 1, 20-30.

Nils Johan Ekdahl - pioneer in Piteå. 2012. Bergman, Ingela. Piteå Museum Yearbook 2012: 25-31.

Ancient roads in the north. 2012. Bergman, Ingela. Ancient roads in the north.

Stalotomts - mysterious settlement remains in our mountains. 2010. Bergman, I., Liedgren, L., Hörnberg, G. Fjället 4:11-16.

New Subarctic Research Institute. 2009. Bergman, Ingela. Popular Archaeology 2009 (2):14-15.

Norrland's prehistory in focus. 2009. Bergman, Ingela. Thule 2009:177-185.

Bark - healthy and tasty. 2007. Östlund, L., Bergman, I. & Zackrisson, O. Forskning och Framsteg (2007) 5: 52-55.

Iter Lapponicum and Linne´s documentation of Sami buildings. 2007. Liedgren Lars. Norrbotten 2006:107-129.

The Silvermuseet - research environment in the open air. 2006. Bergman, Ingela. Thule 2006:107-113.

Nature values in mountain birch forests. 2006. Linkowski, W.I., Lennartsson, T., Hörnberg, G., Ehnström, B. Documentation of seminar November 26, 2004, Center for Biological Diversity, County Administrative Board of Norrbotten and County Administrative Board of Jämtland. Uppsala, Sweden.

The cultural landscape of the mountains is investigated in an interdisciplinary project. 2005. Bergman, I., Liedgren, L. Popular Archaeology.

After the ice - Norrland's oldest settlement. 2004. Bergman, Ingela. Popular Archaeology 2004, no 2:19-22.

The oldest traces are found in Arjeplog. 2004. Bergman, Ingela. Sami an indigenous people in Sweden. Ministry of Agriculture.

Från Treriksröset till Räker - fornminnesinventering i Norrbottens inlands- och fjällområde, 1996-2000. 2001. Edbom, G., Liedgren, L., Nilsson, H. Norrbotten 2001:72-110.

Colonization processes after the melting of the inland ice. 2001. Bergman, I., Olofsson, A. Norrbotten 2001:6-18.

Dumpokjauratj in Arjeplog - a 9000-year history. 2001. Bergman, I., Olofsson, A. Populär arkeologi 2001, nr 4:8-10.

Does the pottery show that they were Sami? 1998. Bergman, Ingela. Popular Archaeology 1998, no 4:26-28.

Boreal spruce swamp forests - unique environments in the forest landscape. 1998. Hörnberg, Greger. Fakta Skog 13.

Sami buildings - now there is an urgent need to document their history. 1998. Liedgren, Lars. Populär Arkeologi 1998, no 4:34-36.

Archaeology and documentation of Sami buildings. 1997. Liedgren, Lars. Report from a seminar at Ájtte, Swedish Mountain and Sámi Museum November 26-27, 1997:43-48.

The old church and market place in Arvidsjaur, Pite Lapland - meeting place with medieval origins. 1997. Liedgren, Lars. Norrbotten 2007:36-53.

Wild reindeer hunting, reindeer husbandry and forest landscape change during prehistoric times. 1997. Bergman, Ingela. In Östlund, L. (ed.), Man and the Forest. Från natursksog till kulturskog? Skrifter om skogs- och lantbrukshistoria 11. Nordiska Museet. 1996: 71-84. Stockholm.

The Sami Cultural Landscape. 1996. Bergman, I. & Mulk, I.-M. Västerbotten 1996 (3):12-15.

Laisvallby and its surroundings in prehistoric times. 1996. Bergman, Ingela. In Lestander, T. (ed.), Laisvallby 200 years. 1996:26-30.

Spruce regeneration in natural swamp forest. 1995. Hörnberg, G., & Ohlson, M. Skog & Forskning 1/95:30-33.

Red ochre graves from the Stone Age. 1993. Liedgren, Lars. Populär Arkeologi 1993 no 2:28-29.

Skärrim and the story of the cultural landscape of the mountains. 2021. Bergman, Ingela. Answered no. 4.

Sami buildings and structures in the Pite Sami area. 2017. Liedgren, Lars. Anvarat nr 3.

Glimpses of the cultural history of Arjeplog. 2014. Liedgren, L. & Wallquist, E. Anvarat nr 2.

Cultural traces in trees. 2011. Bergman, Ingela. Anvarat nr 1.

Nils Johan Ekdahl - pioneer in Piteå. 2012. Bergman, Ingela. Piteå Museum yearbook 2012.

Pictures of children. Moments captured with pen and camera. 2012. Been, Cecilia. Norrbottens museums yearbook 2012.

The Doctor in Arjeplog. A personal portrait of Einar Wallquist. 2006. Bergman, Ingela. PARNASS (2006) 1:24-27.

Faces. Stories of life. 1997. Sundkvist, Bertil. Silvergömmor 1. Arjeplog.