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From memory

Mujttalus - From memory

Mujttalus means 'from memory' in Sami.

Arjeplog has a rich and diverse Sami culture. Traditional Sami activities include not only reindeer herding but also hunting, fishing and farming.

It was not until the 17th century that reindeer husbandry developed into a major industry. Before that, hunting and fishing were the main sources of income. In the mid-18th century, a number of new settlements were occupied by Sami who had left reindeer husbandry. Among the forest Sámi, farming was sometimes practiced in parallel with reindeer husbandry.

In the 1920s, many reindeer herders from the Karesuando area moved south, including to Arjeplog. They had lost their summer grazing lands in Norway and were therefore forced to seek new lands. Today, several different Sami traditions are represented in Arjeplog: Northern and Arjeplog Sami, Mountain and Forest Sami, Hunting and Fishing Sami.

In the exhibition Mujttalus, "from memory", you meet Sami life on weekends and in everyday life. The exhibition shows the everyday objects that are, and have been, in use among the Sami in Arjeplog. The objects, which are not only functional but also very beautiful, reflect the everyday life of women and men, children's play, the work of hunting, fishing and reindeer herding.

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