Sök medel ur Doktor Wallquists Minnesfond, 2025
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The Silvermuseet offers a scholarship with the purpose of supporting and encouraging individuals, groups or associations who want to conduct scientific research or cultural activities related to the Silvermuseet's areas of activity.
The Silvermuseet is a local history museum focusing on the history of northern cultural landscapes, with interdisciplinary research as the building block. Here we tell the story of the landscape and the people who have lived in the area since the ice sheet melted almost 10,000 years ago.
The scholarship is paid from the Doctor Wallquist Memorial fund, which was established in 1985 in connection with the death of the Silvermuseet's founder, Dr. Einar Wallquist. Fundings are granted for work/activities that are compatible with the purpose of the fund. The scholarship is awarded in June each year in connection with the summer opening of Doktorsgården.
För 2025 uppgår summan till 25 000 kr som kan fördelas på en eller flera sökande.
Ansökan märkt Doktor Wallquists Minnesfond ska vara Silvermuseet tillhanda
senast 31 mars 2025 och skickas till:
Torget 1
938 31 Arjeplog