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Collections and digitization

White-gray willow kisses against a green background. The image includes a welcome text.

This year, the Silvermuseet hosted the network meeting for Collections Management in the North - a conference that took place on May 10-11. Viewing of storage and exhibitions, networking and the opportunities and challenges of digitization are some of the points that have been included in the program.

As the name collection management suggests, the network meeting is based on how we who own / have a collection can take care of and use it in the best way.

A forum that provides the opportunity to discuss the problems and solutions that collection management entails is extremely valuable. We who work with these issues are scattered in different places and with different conditions. The exchange of knowledge that takes place among us on these occasions is therefore very important and is a major part of the work of making our collections accessible.

During the days we have, among other things, listened to how Ájtte and Norrbotten Museum work with digitization and where they are in the process. Ájtte also highlighted the AIDA (Arctic Indigenous Design Archives) project and digitization within its framework. Through a digital (appropriately enough!) presentation, Föremålsvården gave tips and advice on how museums can work with digitization - and we got good questions that are smart to ask before starting the work. Björn Sundberg, program manager for Digital Transition in Museums, talked about the national strategy for digital cultural heritage, and how the Swedish National Heritage Board can support digital projects in the country's museums.

In addition to good presentations and fruitful discussions, we have had the opportunity to showcase the museum - both the exhibitions and behind the scenes.