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Ruth Celina Norén, new receptionist and store manager

Young woman with long blonde hair looks into the camera with a small smile on her face.

Anyone who visits us often will have noticed the change long ago. Not only has the shop been redecorated and changed, but above all a new, happy face has appeared!

Ruth Celina Norén has taken over the helm after Lotta Eriksson left us after more than ten years as receptionist and shop manager. For a while it felt like the "ship" was listing, but now it has righted itself properly, and we can sail forward again.

Enough with the boat metaphors. Many people probably recognize Ruth Celina from the time she worked at Granns or at the preschool. With great drive and commitment, she has already begun to make her mark on the shop and with a passionate interest in crafts and handicrafts, old objects and local history, we feel confident that our range will continue to reflect the museum and appeal to both visitors and locals. We think that the fact that she also enjoys cooking coffee and people makes her a perfect fit for the job as receptionist and shop manager! - It's a bit like a dream come true. I have long hoped there would be an opportunity to work at the museum, and I have thought of the role of shop manager as the most fun, so it feels incredibly fun.

Ruth Celina is originally from Evenesdal in Saltdal, Norway, but grew up on the Swedish side of the coast. In 2014 she moved to Arjeplog and then to Laisvallby in 2017, where she lives with her partner and their son Einar. After being on parental leave and then working for a season in the automotive testing industry, Ruth Celina feels good to "come home". - I have always liked the museum, and see it as an exciting challenge to take over the role of store manager. In the past, I've worked here on weekends and during the summer, but now it will be more real, it will be possible to put my own stamp on the store. With a lot of creativity in my body, I see many opportunities, so to speak! At the same time, I want to try to keep the expression Lotta has built up over the years, it is a nice store to take over responsibility for.

We warmly welcome Ruth Celina to the museum, and look forward to working with her!