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Mica Vesterlund awarded scholarship from the Doctor Wallquist Memorial fund

Scholarship recipient Mica Vesterlund, dressed in traditional costume, holds a diploma with the words "Minnesfond" in the title.

For the first time in many years, funds were awarded today from the Dr. Wallquist Memorial fund. The scholarship was awarded to Mica Vesterlund from Jutis.

While working on her master's degree in laboratory archaeology at the University of Stockholm, she is studying chakras from Swedish Sábme. - "Among other things, I'm looking at the characteristics of the acorns, how they have adapted to a nomadic lifestyle in a barren and cold climate," says Mica Vesterlund. The grant will be used for 14C analysis to determine the age of the chickens. - "I am very grateful to receive these funds. For me it is very important to highlight the research in northern Sweden and Sábme and with this support I will be able to do so.

It is the Silvermuseet Foundation that decides on the funds. Museum director Malin Brännström presented the grant during the seasonal opening of Doktorsgården. She is also pleased that Mica was awarded funding for her research. "In the future, we will be able to tell more about the chalices, which is important to us.

Dr. Wallquist's memorial fund was established through a collection in connection with his death in 1985, with the aim of supporting and encouraging individuals, groups or associations who want to conduct scientific research or cultural activities related to the Silvermuseet's areas of activity.

The scholarship will now be awarded annually, and all applications received before the March deadline will be considered at the Silvermuseet Foundation's board meeting in the spring.