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Item of the month: Box containing umbilical cord

Box containing umbilical cord SMA 13733.

"Sometimes the midwife had to make her own way along paths and ski trails. She traveled in all weathers, rain or shine, night or day, and was always in a hurry." - Einar Wallquist, 'De Kranka och de Uslingar'. Bonniers förlag 1968.

A new life is dawning, and midwife Siri Sundström welcomes it! She is an experienced midwife who works in tough conditions. Home births where the journey takes hours on skis. Water that has to be fetched from the well. No electric light. Anxious fathers and siblings with questions. It's a lot for Siri to handle!

For 47 years, she has helped several generations into the world in a growing Arjeplog, and over the years, working conditions have also improved.

The picture shows one of the items that could be found in Siri's midwife bag. A tin box with a piece of wound tape stuck on it with the word "umbilical tape" handwritten on the lid. The box still contains some pre-tied cotton ribbons that were used to tie around the newborn's umbilical cord before it was cut.