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A new face at Silvermuseet: Matilda Sundström

Young woman with dark half-length hair, brown eyes and glasses looking straight into the camera.

We will all remember 2020 as a special year, with many uncertainties and difficulties. Many events have been overshadowed by the loud noise of the pandemic, but no matter how society has changed and been affected, everyday life remains.

And in the everyday life of the Silvermuseet, a generational change is taking place. Earlier this fall, we told you that Ann-Kristin Öberg will be leaving the museum to go on a long vacation, also known as retirement. But fate seems to have been on our side, because just this year Matilda Sundström finished her training as a conservator. Fortunately, she and her daughter Siri want to live in Arjeplog, and applied for the position of cultural objects manager with us.

Many people probably recognize Matilda, who was born and raised here in Arjeplog, and some may also know that her mother worked here at the museum. This, and her mother's many fine books, sparked Matilda's interest in cultural history and objects, and she has always felt that she would like to work with cultural conservation. After a few tentative attempts in a few different directions, she landed in the fact that the conservator education felt right for her and the move went to Gothenburg for studies. In the spring of 2020, in the middle of the ongoing pandemic, she graduated. "It feels almost unreal that in the same year as I graduate, a position comes out - in Arjeplog!" says Matilda. For her, who is passionate about her home municipality, local history and the craft traditions and objects that are linked to places and people in the area, this is the dream job. - "I've always felt that I wanted to work in the museum world, not in a conservation studio, so for me this really is the dream job!

Matilda sees both opportunities and challenges in her new job. She has already realized that the object collections are crowded, but she sees the Silvermuseet's collections as a treasure she gets to care for and work with. - "I'm also very happy to be part of the museum's development phase and I hope that I can be involved in many future projects and collaborations between different institutions. It is a development in itself to work with people from different areas of expertise, you learn so much from that!

We warmly welcome Matilda to the museum, and look forward to working with her!