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Book talk on August 17, 2023: Gunilla Westergren Johanson

Image of woman with short hair and glasses. She is holding a book and smiling at the camera.

Welcome to a book talk with Gunilla Westergren Johanson who shows pictures and talks about her book "Ska kärleken bära?"

Gunnar Westergren offers singing and music during the evening and the Silvermuseet offers coffee and snacks.

When: Thursday 17/8 2023 at 18.00
Where: The Silvermuseet's auditorium Polstjärnan
How: Free admission, welcome!

About the book:

In 1931, during the Depression, Gerda, a newly qualified primary school teacher, moved to Arjeplog in the hinterland of Lapland, where there was no road. At her first teacher's meeting, she noticed a male colleague. It turned out that he was infatuated with her. There and then their story together began. The conditions they faced were harsher, more barren and more difficult than they could have imagined. There were setbacks, hardships, illness, grief and the struggle to live on. Their strong love and optimistic belief that solutions existed, their ability to rejoice, their will to live on, and their commitment to work, politics, culture and non-profit organizations carried them through the trials.

Interwoven in the story are events in Arjeplog, Sweden and the world. For example, women's limited rights and the development towards more equality and justice. Tragedies: Nightly fire in a school in 40-degree cold, accident in the Laisvall lead mine, the impact of the World War, racial biology, hatred of the Jews and special treatment of the Sami. Both made a class journey. Gerda became an award-winning writer for a weekly magazine and won an international essay competition. At the age of 57, she got her driver's license, bought a car and drove 100 miles to the summer cottage she had built.

From vulkanmedia.se