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Being unique and world-class

Green, meadow-like area with green birch forest in the background. In the middle, a little to the right, stands a man with an earth drill.

What would you say if we asked you what makes the Silvermuseet unique? Perhaps you would refer to the fact that we have the world's largest collection of Sami silver of its kind, or that we have a unique history founded by a provincial doctor? And indeed we do. But what makes us extra special is the research carried out here at INSARC (Institute for Subarctic Landscape Research).

In an evaluation of the Silvermuseet's research activities, led by Professor Sverker Sörlin at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, the Silvermuseet's (INSARC's) research is described as unique and world-class.

In short, the evaluation is summarized with these lines:
The research is unique in scope for a Swedish museum. It is original, experimental and of high international quality. It is very prominent also in relation to the archaeological departments of Swedish universities.

It is also noted that the research environment at the Silvermuseet is very unusual when compared with the way and extent to which research is conducted at other museums. The evaluation also highlights the fact that 2-3 internationally published articles have been produced annually over a twenty-year period, and that these are used and cited in the research community to an extent that must be considered very satisfactory.

The evaluation requested by Sparbanken Nord and Sparbanksstiftelsen (which also financed the evaluation assignment) provides a picture of who we are, but also who we can become. Because in addition to telling us that the work done here is excellent and of high quality, the evaluation has also discussed strategic choices for the future where the group recommends a gradual broadening of the research profile. They also see interesting opportunities with an ambitious development of the Silvermuseet and INSARC into a regionally anchored knowledge center.

For now, let's ignore the jingoism and stop for a moment to give ourselves a mental pat on the back. Then we set our sights on the future with the aim of continuing to justify the description of us as unique and world-class!

You can read the full evaluation here.

In the media:
Morgon i P4 2017.02.09, 01:14:55 into the broadcast
Piteå Newspaper 2017.02.09
Arjeplognytt 2017.02.08
Norran 2017.02.09
Winterkurier 2017.02.14 (German)